A super comfortable seat with a taller backrest for numerous off-highway applications. Front adjust controls, reclining backrest, adjustable lumbar support and shock absorber all help ensure a comfortable ride. Optional features include infinite adjust armrests, adjustable headrest, seat belt and tethers and side adjust controls.

Standard Features
- Low-profile mechanical suspension
- 4-inch suspension stroke
- Shock absorber
- Bellows suspension cover
- Front adjust controls
- Weight adjustment with indicatior
- 2.5 inch, ratcheting height adjustment
- 6.5 inch, double locking tracks
- Reclining backrest
- Adjustable lumber support
- Integrated ICP
- Elastomeric Vibration Control (EVC)
- Sewn vinyl covers
Optional Features
- Infinite adjust, armrests
- Multi-axis, adjustable headrest
- Taller backrest -4.5 inches
- Seat belt and tethers
- Operator presence switch
- Side adjust controls
- Sewn cloth covers
OEM ONLY Optional Features
- Seat belt and tethers
- Operator presence switch
- Side adjust controls